Pour Les Jeunes Chercheuses
Des idées sur des congrès ou des subventions que vous pouvez demander, et des associations que vous pouvez suivre !
Congrès :
Advances in Human Evolution, Adaptations and Diversity (AHEAD)
Congress of the French Association of Paleontology (APF) (predominantly French-speaking conference)
Congress of the Francophone Society of Primatology (SFDP) (predominantly French-speaking conference)
Congress of the American Association of Biological Anthropology (AABA)
Congress of the Anthropological Society of Paris (SAP) (predominantly French-speaking conference)
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP)
Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Paleontology (EAVP)
Crossing the Palaeontological-Ecological Gap (CPEG)
Symposium of Morphometry and Evolution of Forms (SMEF)
Congress of the Association of Archaeological Wear and Residue Analysts (AWRANA)
International Palaeontological Congress (IPC)
International Council for Zooarchaeology (ICAZ)
Congress of the PanAfrican Archaeological Association
Meetings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE)
Congress of the European Anthropological Association (EAA)
Congress of the International Union of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP)es
Bourses :
SYNTHESYS+: doctoral and post-doctoral grants for a short-term research mission in partner museums (Europe)
Wenner-Gren Foundation: doctoral and post-doctoral grants in anthropology (International)
Fyssen Foundation: post-doctoral grants in anthropology, paleoanthropology, archaeology (International)
Gerda Henkel Foundation: pre-doctoral and post-doctoral grants (Germany)
Leverhulme Fellowship: Early Career researchers in any disciplines (UK)
Marie Curie Fellowship: post-doctoral fellowships, usually from the call opens from April to September (European Commission)
L’Oréal: grant for women researchers in life and earth science (among other disciplines) (International or European National Programmes)
Leakey Foundation: doctoral and post-doctoral research grants related to human origins (International)
Fulbright Program: doctoral and post-doctoral grants for long-term mission in the USA or from the USA (USA)
ERC Starting Grant: post-doctoral research grant (2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD) (Europe)
Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral Fellowship Sponsorship: post-doctoral fellowship (Spain)
Ramón y Cajal y Talento Programs: five-year position (Spain)
Fundación BBVA: predoctoral grant (Spain)
Fondation des Treilles: doctoral and postdoctoral awards (France)
Associations et actions :
Femmes&Sciences :https://www.femmesetsciences.fr/
Mujeres con los Pies en la Tierra :https://mujerespiestierra.com/
Paye ta Truelle :https://payetatruelle.wixsite.com/projet