For early career researchers
Some ideas about congress and grants you can apply for, and some friendly associations you can follow!
- Advances in Human Evolution, Adaptations and Diversity (AHEAD)
- Congress of the French Association of Paleontology (APF) (predominantly French-speaking conference)
- Congress of the Francophone Society of Primatology (SFDP) (predominantly French-speaking conference)
- Congress of the American Association of Biological Anthropology (AABA)
- Congress of the Anthropological Society of Paris (SAP) (predominantly French-speaking conference)
- Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP)
- Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Paleontology (EAVP)
- Crossing the Palaeontological-Ecological Gap (CPEG)
- Symposium of Morphometry and Evolution of Forms (SMEF)
- Congress of the Association of Archaeological Wear and Residue Analysts (AWRANA)
- International Palaeontological Congress (IPC)
- International Council for Zooarchaeology (ICAZ)
- Congress of the PanAfrican Archaeological Association
- Meetings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE)
- Congress of the European Anthropological Association (EAA)
- Congress of the International Union of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP)es
- SYNTHESYS+: doctoral and post-doctoral grants for a short-term research mission in partner museums (Europe)
- Wenner-Gren Foundation: doctoral and post-doctoral grants in anthropology (International)
- Fyssen Foundation: post-doctoral grants in anthropology, paleoanthropology, archaeology (International)
- Gerda Henkel Foundation: pre-doctoral and post-doctoral grants (Germany)
- Leverhulme Fellowship: Early Career researchers in any disciplines (UK)
- Marie Curie Fellowship: post-doctoral fellowships, usually from the call opens from April to September (European Commission)
- L’Oréal: grant for women researchers in life and earth science (among other disciplines) (International or European National Programmes)
- Leakey Foundation: doctoral and post-doctoral research grants related to human origins (International)
- Fulbright Program: doctoral and post-doctoral grants for long-term mission in the USA or from the USA (USA)
- ERC Starting Grant: post-doctoral research grant (2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD) (Europe)
- Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral Fellowship Sponsorship: post-doctoral fellowship (Spain)
- Ramón y Cajal y Talento Programs: five-year position (Spain)
- Fundación BBVA: predoctoral grant (Spain)
- Fondation des Treilles: doctoral and postdoctoral awards (France)
Associations and actions :
- Femmes&Sciences :
- Mujeres con los Pies en la Tierra :
- Paye ta Truelle :
- AFNEUS ( ;